Why its important to “Go Easy” on yourself..

2 min readDec 23, 2023


We often push ourselves too hard. I always wondered why my investors tell me to take things easy.

Well, yea, you probably guessed it. I often like pushing myself to do things. I’d normally pack my schedule to the brim, push myself to read, learn and absorb or complete as much as I can within a day.

The result at the end of the day? a completely burned out person.

Yea. Life is short. When you look back on what have been completed, you feel a sense of relieve. A feeling of satisfaction of not wasting another day of your life. But hey, if your health takes a toll, it aint going to be worth it.

Perhaps the most important thing I’ve realized while trying to multi-task or rush through projects is the amount of focus I can put to the job. When your “things to be done” gets queued and clog up in the mind, it occupies the mind and makes you less focused on the job at hand.

By having lots of stuffs to complete, you won’t be able focus well on the task at hand. You tend to divert your attention to prep the next task or give your brain excuses to wander off the task at hand.

I realize that by “going easy”, you probably lose a little time in between task or take a little longer complete the intended task. But by doing so, you are able to complete the task with much better accuracy and focus. You will indirectly also be able to complete more task per day/per month basis because you don’t give yourself excuses for “working so hard”.

The way I normally like getting around the day is still to plan what needs to be done on a daily basis. I write down on my notebook the task to complete. Down to the nitty gritty so that I complete task after task. I don’t squeeze lots into my schedule but cater more time for each task so I can get a rest in between and get a real 2–3 hours of quality work done.

Its hard initially to plan your day. However, by starting small and doing it consistently, you learn to plan and optimize your schedule better over time. Start easy and make sure your schedule fits you well. By getting your schedule working for you day after day, you will find more reason to trust have more purpose in following your schedule.

The most important thing to keep in mind if you are feeling stressed up, take a deep breath and “Go easy” on yourself.




I write about the New Retail and the future of Ecommerce. Follow me! I help businesses through my Digital Agency as well: Godata.digital. Check us out.